October 17, 2009

New things...

The Count...
Rylie has reached that age that we are continually in awe what she can say and what she knows. For example, yesterday while playing at the playground, we were counting something...and I started, "one" and she continued with "two", then I said "three"...and we did this all the way up to ten. What!? Since when did she learn how to count to ten!? We have not been intentionally really working on numbers...and walla...she can count...to eleven no less! What a kid.

The Parrot...
It is no surprise that Rylie learns most phrases and words from us. Thus, she is a parrot, copying what we say. There are times that we have had no idea that we said certain things, until she shows us. For example, one phrase that she has said at times is "Can you hear me?" It was not until yesterday evening, when Chad and I were out on a great date, that I realized I ask Chad that question, when he is a little spacy. I had no idea that I apparently ask him this often enough that Rylie picked it up from me! Ha! Hilarious. A good communication tool!

The New Kitty...
The twins upstairs just brought home a new kitten. The kitten's name is Snickerdoodle...because she looks like a Snickers. She is sooooooooooooooo cute. Before they even brought it in their front door, that brought it in ours. Rylie LOVED petting it...as the little kitten just purred away. I think we will be visiting upstairs more!!! (Maybe Chad will someday be open to having a cat, as he see how much Rylie enjoys them! Wishful thinking, I know.)