March 01, 2010

Home at Last

First, we want to say a big "thank you" to all of you for your prayers and support over the last week. It has been difficult to communicate all that transpired since the birth of Jaden, and we hope that we have not frustrated those that we asked, for such generic prayers. We have tried to keep this blog posted with updated information. However, as of this past Friday we were without Internet as we moved to a new home. (This is a whole other story, but we are thrilled to be in a house for our growing family! Jaden's first night home was all of our first night in our new home!!! How sweet. Besides, why not throw a move into this crazy week!?)

We wanted to report that Jaden came home on Friday, a day early! Jaden’s recovery is both a testament to modern medicine and the power of prayer. We may never know the extent that both played in not only saving her precious life but giving her a great chance at a healthy future. With that view in mind, we are now able to simply love her as though this all never happened, and are hopeful that it will all become a distant memory as she grows and develops into the wonderful child of God for which she was fashioned to become.

Who knew that Feb. 19th, the day she was born, would have not only been full of heartbreak, but would soon be redeemed by being the day that the Lord invited us on a ride to watch His handiwork, blessings, and miracles. To Him be all glory, power, and praise. HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE.

For those who have tracked so closely, we are in awe to report, that Jaden's:
- EEG came back normal
- Her physical exam of motor skills came back normal
- She passed her hearing and seeing exams perfectly
- Her MRI came back almost clean, showing some evidence of very, very slight "variations" in her brain stem. In other words, there were no major/obvious "hits" to her brain that would indicate significant developmental issues. However, what does her MRI scan mean long term? It is hard to say, except that the Dr. led us to believe because she looks and acts so healthy, that we can be "cautiously optimistic," and that she has every possibility of thriving like a any little babe. Isn't this incredible news!?

We cannot thank you all for your fervent prayers. GOD HAS HEARD them and we are so blessed because of His work in our lives, through all of this. There is so much to report, and we could tell you stories upon stories all about this last week. It was a life changer...for the good. Nevertheless, for now, please know that we are feeling blessed and loved by so many.

Thank you, only eternity will be able to adequately express our gratitude. Now, we cannot wait for you to meet her!!! Did we say we think she has red hair!? Ha! So fun, so fun. She is a wonder.

Jaden's new home:
2938 Shoshone Trail
Lafayette, CO 80026

Here are some clips and pics from the exciting homecoming...

Here is a video of "Jaden Unplugged." This was a big moment for us, as we had not held our baby without lots of wires coming from her yet...

Here I am changing her diaper at the hospital...can you see how big my smile is, being able to do this simple task!? Oh the things I take for granted!

Here is Rylie's first encounter with her little sister. No signs of jealousy yet...Rylie likes to give her binki's and rattles, kisses and hugs. Adorable.

Yes we are tired...but we are so full of joy!!!