February 21, 2010
She's here!!!!
We are proud to announce the birth of our little girl:
Jaden Lola Fletemeyer
She was born Friday, February 19th, 2010 at 12:42 am, with a weight of six pounds ten ounces and twenty inches in length.
Shortly after her birth, she was transferred to the NIC Unit at St. Joseph’s Hospital of Denver to increase her level of care to help in her recovery from a difficult start to her life. She needs lots of prayer and all the love we can give her. We are already so proud of her. She is a great fighter, and has a fiery side to her personality. We are hopeful that we will be able to bring her home towards the end of next week.
The name Jaden carries the Hebrew meaning “God has heard”. We know that God has heard and will continue to hear our call for His peace, healing and love for this new creation. So, we celebrate His good and perfect gift with joy and thanksgiving, praising the One who restores and sustains our souls.
Thanks to each of you, for your continued love and support of our, now “family of four!”
Chad, Jennie, Rylie and Jaden!