February 03, 2010

Big Sister in Training

Rylie is a big sister in training. We have been talking and reading all about being a Big Sister. She does the cutest things throughout the day regarding this soon special arrival. We gave her a baby doll to practice with, of which she puts in the double stroller when we go for walks, puts in the pack and play, changes her diaper, and even puts in the car seat next to her at times. She also drops, throws, and hides her baby doll! Ha. Nevertheless, the more she get's used to another someone around, the better! Though she loves the idea right now...we will see once the real deal arrives. I tried to capture some of her Big Sister moments on film.

Here is an interview about "little sister," whom she has named Ellie. (This is not going to be little sister's real name, but it is a cute idea!)

Rylie sings all of the time, so here are two more songs..."Away in a Manger," and "Rock a By Baby."