November 07, 2009

A Winter Hula!

Rylie woke up from her nap this afternoon, and said, "I want to hula," and pointed to her Hula outfit hanging in the closet. Why not hula in the winter? (Hard to believe it was just a few days ago that we had 50 hours straight of snow...totalling 25 inches! We loved the 70 degree day today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!)

Tonight we got to babysit cousin Mariah while her parents went on a date night. Chad is working to be the favorite Uncle...bringing home the movie Tinkerbell for the girls to watch. Rylie was mesmerized and had never heard of Tink before. Mariah, though apparently begging to watch it all week (we had no idea) watched a bit and then was off to play. Here they are having dinner and a movie.

And I could not resist taking a picture of them in their PJ's for story time, just before bed. We love having Mariah such a part of our life!!!!