Rylie is excited about everything. We so long for her to maintain her sense of wonder. What a priceless quality in children!!!
She is talking and singing ALL OF THE TIME. And there are so many moments we wish to caputer on film. Here is Rylie's second blog debut as a singer, singing, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," with back up singer Aaron!
Chad called me at work last night to inform me that Ratawoowee had returned for a second visit. Fortunately he was outside. Rylie fed him a fishy cracker...and by the sounds of it, she was totally excited about the visitor!
We bought a potty on Monday!!! And, to our surprize Rylie immediately went potty on it right when she got home...two times in a row!!!! What!? She then proceeded to push it around the whole house, put toys in and out of it...and just wanted to sit on it a lot. She certainly is not afraid of the idea. We just need to figure out how to teach her that the potty is not a toy (I guess the fact that it is a froggy potty does not help.) Let the potty training begin! Way to go Rylie!