September 10, 2009

Go CU!

On Friday night the entire family, including all of the cousins, aunts, uncles, and Granne and Gramps, put on their CU spirit. We headed down to the Buffalo Stampede on Pearl Street in Boulder, which is where the CU football game rally takes place. For every home game of the season the cheerleaders, dance team, football team, marching band, and everyone from Boulder, heads down for some football hype. This was the first game of the season. All day, Rylie was talking about going to the parade. After returning from the rally, she now yells "go buffs" and "go CU" while punching her fist into the air with gusto. She is making her dad so proud.

Here is a little peak of the parade...

Dancing with a fellow fan...

We cannot wait until the next rally!