June 09, 2009

Annex Worship Team

Rylie and Dad came to the pre-Annex BBQ tonight. She spent her time, mingling like the best of them from student to student, dancing, pointing, giggling, and managing to be quite the center of attention...and loving it. She tried her first hamburger and then tried her first hot dog...but did not prefer either. She just stuck to the buns, cheese, Doritos, and cookies! Ha!

In the middle of the BBQ she heard noise from inside the Annex building...so she went on in, and LOVED what she found. The Annex worship team was practicing...which lead her to dance, clap and eventually join on in, on the fun.

What fun to see all of the college students dote over and smother Rylie with love. They are such a gift to us as parents!

I ran to grab my camera AFTER the BBQ...but here are a few moments captured with the worhsip team...