April 05, 2009

Palm Sunday fun...

We had a great day as a family celebrating Palm Sunday. We started off with breakfast together, where Rylie had her first ever quiche, and mini cinnamin rolls. After church and the Easter Egg Hunt, we came home and started a new tradition of our own...let's see if it will last right!? We gave Rylie a bunch of musical toys, as she loves music and marching lately. This is to commemorate the parade and bold entry Jesus made into Jerusalem on this day years ago, proclaiming to be King. Love it. Perhaps we will give our kid(s) a musical toy each year...or at least have our own little musical/parade celebration at home! So fun. We then kicked back and watched The Incredibles...and Rylie enjoyed her first popcorn! Ha! Fun day...Rylie went to bed early because she was so wiped out!