July 10, 2008


After two days of travel and over 1000 miles, we arrived in Yosemite! It was SPECTACULAR to see such incredible beauty in nature. We fished and did lots of driving and hiking around in the park. We could not get enough!

This was our first stop at a beautiful lake.

Hiking around the lake...

Here is where we stayed the night...a tent cabin in Yosemite where Rylie had her first camping trip!

The next morning we strolled through the Valley. Here she is in her latest stroller. I think she liked it!

We saw a dear along the way...

We strolled to the base of Lower Yosemite Falls.


Then we went to this place, toted as THE BEST VIEW IN YOSEMITE. A short hike to Glacier Point and this is what you see. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Here is Half Dome larger than life!

What a great part of our vacation...and only the beginning. The joy was in the journey for sure!