She was born on Wednesday, July 27th, at 7:38am, weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long. She came out crying (the most wonderful sound!!!!!!) and has been mellow ever since.
A few highlights from the hospital scene...
- Rylie is FULL of questions, and one that stands out to she stares at my catheter she asks, "mom how does your butt get in that tube?"
- Jaden kissing Willow over and over again...more than anyone yet!
- The parade from the recovery room to my hospital on a bed, Granne and Jaden walking hand in hand, Chad pushing little Willow in a cart with Rylie holding on tightly.
- A birthday party in the hospital room...singing, exchanging cute.
The girls have done great with her. Jaden is so excited, pointing, giggling, kissing her over and over again, saying "baby" and "Wi-wo". She even tried to do, "This little piggy" with Willow's toes. It is adorable.
Rylie is trying to be so helpful...always wanting to hold her, rock her, and can't wait to feed her a bottle.
Chad is the super dad, as he runs the house right now single-handedly, while I mend from delivery and tend to our little babe.
Granne has been a HUGE help all week watching our girls morning to night. It is always a highlight for them to spend time with Granne!
Her Name...
Willow means: a tree by water; flexible, graceful, free-spirited, willing to try.
Brynn means: hill
Our prayer is from Psalm 1:2 & 3 - That her delight will be in the law of the Lord and on His law she will meditate day and night. That she be like a tree plnted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever she does prospers."
My delivery story...
In a nutshell, I got to experience more than 24 hours of labor, followed by a C-section! Wilow was positioned in such a way inside me, that though the contractions were strong a consistent for a LONG TIME, there was little progression made after a certain point. This lead our medical team to advise surgery. It all went smoothly from there, and out came our "weeping Willow"...this was my prayer leading up to delivery, that she would come out crying! Yeah!!!! I stayed in the hospital for two nights and am now recovering at home. It is bliss to have the five of us together...full and crazy...but sooooo good!
Thank you for your love and prayers. Let the fun begin...or shall we say continue!