March 28, 2009

Cousin time...

We just got home from celebrating Aunt Heidi's and Aunt Cyndi's birthdays. I think our Fletemeyer family gatherings have built in entertainment forever more...watching all of the cousins play. Here are the girls playing piano...and the girls playing with this little booster chair. Rylie carried this chair all over the house, taking breaks to climb in and out of it along the way. Hilarious. Poor cousin Colin...the only boy doing his own thing. Someday he will like being surrounded by the ladies! Ha.


This was a bit of paradise...snowy and sunny...and on another snowshoe adventure...only 10 minutes from home. This is why we love Colorado!

The Carpet Ride

Rylie now grabs the "carpet" and carries it over to dad, asking for a carpet ride. It is one of her favorite ways to play with dad lately. She wants to do it over and over and over again!

Mamma's little helper

Rylie has become my little shadow...following me around, and copying what I do. Yesterday, I turned around and she had went and grabbed the broom and dustpan, and was sweeping away. Adorable!

March Madness...

We are not sure how, but Rylie LOVES it when basketball is on...which is a lot right now, during March Madness! She repeats "ba-ball" over and over and over again while watching it. She is a little girl after her dad's own heart! (Her other favorite word is "da-dog" (aka. dog).

Snow Day!

We returned from the warm beaches of the foot of snow in Colorado! What a super fun time we had in the snow...sledding (on the make shift sleds of a baby bath-tub and a box...likely the only family in Colorado without a sled yet!), meeting snowmen, and of course creating our own snow angles! All this our our own front door!? Love it.

March 26, 2009

Our Spring Break trip to the OC!

Rylie and I headed to the beaches of California for a little Spring Break vacation! A few highlights:
1. Being spoiled by Jean and the Winder family: playing hard, eating well, long walks, super play grounds, free babysitting, and rich conversations all throughout the week. THANK YOU JEAN for all your love that just gushes out of you!! There is none like you!
2. Exploring Bolboa Island (Jennie's favorite So. Cali place), venturing through the tide pools, playing on the beach at Little Carona, playing with the "dog-dogs," scooting around on the big kid scooter...the list goes on!!!
3. Time with my best friends from Seminary....always incredible how different we each are...and yet how much we care and relate to each other. (Ladies, thank you for the care we have created through the years for one another!!!) Another nice "retreat" together in the books!
4. An afternoon sail along the coast!!! Ryan (Annex student) took myself and a few other students out for an incredibly memorable and beautiful sail out on the ocean. We each had our hand at the wheel...I was the worst...but had the most fun I think!!!! Ha!

We return home tired...from having so much fun. We only wish dad could have been there too! That is a great reason to plan another trip soon!

Sailing in the Pacific

One afternoon of "Spring Break," I got to go sailing (Jean babysat - Thank you!) with a few students from the Annex...who live out in Orange County. We were out for the afternoon...and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO incredible. The boat was super nice...the wind and weather were ideal...and the people were a blast. Here is my hand at the wheel...I have a lot of learning todo! I was zig-zagging all over the place! THANK YOU Ryan and friends for a memorable time!

Fun in the sink...

Oh, the everyday things that bring extraordinary play. Here we are playing in the Winder lasted for 30 minutes... One of Rylie's favorite words is "wa-wa," (aka water).


Here is a little play time with Jean, Mason (Jean's grandson), and Ry-Ry, in the tidepools. What fun to see them explore it all...

Playing in the playa...

Rylie and mom just took a Spring Break trip to So. spend time with the Winders and other friends. Here is one afternoon on the beach at Little Carona!

March 17, 2009

Her new night gown...

Great Aunt Alice gave Rylie this adorable little night gown and cap. She is so sweet in it...I think it is because she knows that she is loved by Alice! THANK YOU ALLIE!!! We love you!!

The Bike Hat

Here is Rylie in her new 'Bike Hat!' She is all ready for a the Spring season of biking ahead! Ha!

March 10, 2009

Our Seattle Surprise!

I found out late last week that I was going to a conference in Gig Harbor, Wa for a matter of days. After a call to the airlines and to Grandma and Grandpa Dub, we boarded our plane for Seattle! Yahoo! Rylie had her first slumber party at Dub's...and had so much fun; chasing the cat, playing at the park, and exoploring a new place. A highlight to our visit, was surprising Uncle Brian and cousin Finn with our arrival. The whole Walker family meets up each Friday for Starbucks, and this past Friday we walked in to surprise them. It was wonderful to see the cousins playing "together"...and Finn just has to be THE SMILEST BABY around. We loved seeing you guys!!!! What a blast!!! Here are a few pictures of the fun four days!